Greatness Should be Measured in Laziness

Could somebody please tell me how we could be the greatest nation in the world, yet have to work so dang hard? And so often? Not in the rest of the world. No. I’m always hearing about how in Europe the average worker gets a total of 18 months of vacation each year. That is astounding, and wonderful. But not us. They have shorter work weeks, waiters come around dispensing cheese all day and they sing. They sing like they’re in a Disney movie! And now I read about a Japanese company that gives you time off if you break up with a loved one and need a day or two to get over it. Huh? No doubt we are the greatest country in the world, but explain to me how we weren’t the ones to invent “break-up days.” That’s just unfathomable. I saw this in a Reuters story the other day. It was about a Japanese marketing firm that believes when a partner gives the other the shaft, it’s so traumatic that the jilted needs some time to grieve maybe even to go out and find a new significant other. And because it gets harder to recover the older you get, they give you more days as you age. (I was curious to know, but it didn’t mention in the story, whether you still get the time off if you’re the one who did the dumping. That could be quite lucrative for the aging Japanese gigolo.) But son of … Continue reading Greatness Should be Measured in Laziness